“Someone Needs to Read What You Have to Write…”
After our weekly catch up call, my friend says something that completely changes the dynamic and my approach to this blog.
The Best Way to Improve Your Work Workflow
We all have struggled with being productive, especially with those larger tasks.So in his post, I share my personal guide for the optimal workflow!
My Prayer for SteffanLynch.com
SteffanLynch.com is all about vulnerability and intimacy and sharing it. So it’s only appropriate that I share with you my prayer to God for this mission.
The Only Four Methods You Need to Change
While change is inevitable, at times want change. We might want to be healthier or earn more or have better relationships. But how we actually go about that?…
How do you EXPAND The Comfort Zone?
We’ve already discussed The Comfort Zone is. We’ve also discussed and compared it’s pros and cons. But now, how do we actually expand it?
Is The Comfort Zone Really that Terrible?
We’ve heard been told that we should run for the hills when it comes to the comfort zone. But is that true? Is it really that terrible?