What is The Comfort Zone Exactly?
We’ve all heard about the Comfort Zone before? All we ever hear is that we should stay away from it. but what is it in the first place?
The 5 Most Important Lessons I Learnt from My 2Yr Relationship That You Need to Know
A breakup from a 2yr relationship isn’t easy. But there was definitely a silver lining when I learn’t some of my most valuable lessons for relationships.
The Secret Behind How we Support Our Favourite Celebrities & Sports
We all love our favourite sports teams and celebrities. We’ll support them to the end. But there is a lot to learn, especially how we can apply it to our own lives
Why Values are Vital in Your Life (& 5 of my Own)
Why Values? Being one of my first ever posts on this site, I thought it might be a good idea to talk about values. More specifically, some of my own.