Choose the Plan that's
Right for You

Each plan will be suitable for different individuals. Here’s our pricing and a guide as to which one is best for you!


£ 0 / month
  • Limited Access to Blogs
  • Public Podcasts with ads


£ 5 / month
  • Full Access to All Blogs
  • Public Podcast (no ads)
  • Unedited Podcast Episodes
  • Subscribe to SMS text messages
  • Subscribe to Email Newsletters


£ 12 / month
  • Full Access to All Blogs
  • Public Podcast (no ads)
  • Unedited Podcast Episodes
  • Subscribe to SMS text messages
  • Subscribe to Email Newsletters
  • Submit Your Own Content
  • Behind the Scenes Access
  • 20% OFF Store products
  • Full Access to Community Platform
  • Beta Test New Products / Services

Do I Grow or Evolve ?

Let’s be honest, you’re looking at the premium plans. But now the question is: “Which of the two?”. Well, we’ve helped you answer that question with some key differences below…



You receive all the content. Almost like a one – sided relationship. 


You not only receive and subscribe to media. But you also have the chance to share your own content, ideas and stories through our platform.



This plan is focused on growing on self with self. Besides the events, most of your content and access is one person.


You have the choice to read the blogs or listen to podcasts by yourself. Or you can engage with all the other members on our private community platform, with full access!



The focus of Grow is to share content. Reading blogs, getting texts, email newsletters and more.


The focus on Evolve is providing products. As well as full access to all media and content, you’ll also have use of us files for download, products and courses.



All content we share, you’ll have access to. Any commercial content is all yours!


Not only that but you’ll also get exclusive, private content! Sneak Peek, to behind the scenes of Provuhbs and how it’s running; as well as beta testing new products and services!

we’re here to all your questions

Still not convinced? No problem. Here are our answers to your most common questions. But please feel free to contact us for queries or see more about us for backstory.

Yes! Forever free. To access to the hub, resources and the community, all you need to do sign up. No debit/credit card needed (But we do have some exclusive features for paid membership options coming very soon! So keep your eyes peeled!)

Yes there is an app! Provuhbs community and hub is hosted and run by Mighty Networks. They built the framework and community hub, as well as an an amazing app you can download for IOS and Android. Now you can take Provuhbs with you everywhere you go!

Provuhbs fills the gap and provides the baseline for many of us who are lacking essential resources, support and environment. Have one central hub for helpful resources, an environment and system actually conducive to your growth, and people who are excited for your growth. Don’t forget all the discounts, events and offers! Sounds great right?

It’s simple. Sign up to the private community, and once your request has been approved, you’ll have full access the community, resources and content. Think of it like a private Facebook group dedicated to personal development – but a lot better! People post useful resources, ask questions and can even engage in events such as webinars and giveaways.

What is there to lose?

What’s the worse case that can happen? We exist to help you become the best you possible! The worst case is that you decide you don’t want to grow or evolve. Even then, you still have a 14 day free trial…